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Date | Event | Hosted by | Location |
평일 19:00 - 22:00 토요일: 주간수업
Program offered in collaboration with NEOMA Business School in France and University of Victoria in Canada.
수업시간은 금요일 오후, 토요일 전일
금요일 : 1교시 17:00~19:50 ~ 2교시 20:00~22:50 (오후)
토요일 : 1교시 09:00~11:50 ~ 5교시 21:00~23:50 (전일)
Three tracks offered: General, Corporate Sponsor, and Dual Degree.
Students can pursue an additional degree with university partners
수업시간 평일 주간 (오전수업 09:00-13:00, 오후 14:00-18:00). 한국어 강의 50%, 영어 강의 50%.
수업시간:금요일 15:00-19:00,토요일 09:00-18:00
Program offered in partnership with NUS Business School, Korea University Business School and Fudan University, School of Management. Upon completion of the program, students will be awarded two MBA degrees consisting of their 'home' degree, plus one of the two host degrees based on their own preference. An S3 Asia MBA program certificate signed by three deans from FDSM, KUBS and NUS Business School will also be awarded.
Program offered in partnership with NUS Business School, Korea University Business School and Fudan University, School of Management. Upon completion of the program, students will be awarded two MBA degrees consisting of their 'home' degree, plus one of the two host degrees based on their own preference. An S3 Asia MBA program certificate signed by three deans from FDSM, KUBS and NUS Business School will also be awarded.
Dual program degree offered in partnership with aSSIST (Seoul School of Integrated Science). Upon completion, students receive an MBA degree from each institution.
Standard classes are taught 60% in Korean, the rest of the content is taught in English. English classes are taught entriely in English.