Find out which Executive MBA in Florida is right for your career. Check the schools' profiles for information on MBA courses including study options, tuition, costs, duration and admission requirements. Find programs that follow the international accreditation standards of AACSB, AMBA, or EQUIS.
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A lock-step program with a specialization in Health Sector Management and Policy accredited by CAHM (Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education). Classes meet one 3-day weekend a month on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m for 23 months.
A program taught entirely in Spanish with reading materials in English. Most courses take place on the University of Miami's main campus in Coral Gables. The program consists of seven two-week sessions.
A program that blends weekend on-campus sessions, held once every two months, with distance learning. There are nine on-campus sessions held every eight weeks with remote work in between. The program begins with a one-week residency and ends with a one-week residency.
Classes meet one weekend a month from Friday through Sunday on the UF campus in Gainesville.
Classes meet every third Saturday and Sunday, from 8:00am-6:15pm, with 1-2 week breaks between semesters.
Classes meet on alternating Saturdays in downtown Miami, in addition to online sessions.
Classes meet one Friday and two Saturdays per month.
A program for mid- to senior-level professionals with 10+ years managerial experience. The April start program is offered only on campus. The August start program combines online instruction with on-campus sessions. All face-to-face classes meet on Saturday.
A cohort-based program for professionals with seven or more years of work experience. Classes meet every on alternating Saturdays during 24 months.
The program is offered every August and meets three Saturdays and one Friday per month, 8:00 a.m. to 5:0 p.m., over a 19-month period at the UCF Executive Development Center in Orlando.
Classes meet in Evanston, IL from Friday afternoon through Saturday evening every other week and once a month once a month from Thursday through Sunday in Coral Gables, FL near Miami.