Find out which MBA in Michigan is right for your career. Check the schools' profiles for information on MBA courses including study options, tuition, costs, duration and admission requirements. Find programs that follow the international accreditation standards of AACSB, AMBA, or EQUIS.
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A part-time program launched in 1961. All courses are offered on evening.
A joint degree program offered in partnership with the Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine.
The program is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Program Partner of the CFA Institute. Students who wish to earn the CFA designation have access to academic support for the three levels of the CFA examination.
A joint degree with the Michigan State University's College of Law.
A dual degree program in collaboration with the Thunderbird School of Global Management.
A combined degree program with the School of Nursing, within the Rackham School of Graduate Studies.
A dual degree program offered in partnership with the Law School that leads to the MBA and JD degrees.
A dual degree program with the the School of Information.
A combined degree program in collaboration with the A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning.
A combined degree program offered in conjunction with the School of Education within the Rackham School of Graduate Studies.
A combined degree program offered in conjunction with the School of Education within the Rackham School of Graduate Studies.
A joint degree program offered in collaboration with the Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies (CREES) within the Rackham School of Graduate Studies.
A lock-step program that meets every other weekend for 24 months. Classes meet twice a month on Friday and Saturday at the Ann Arbor campus.
A combined degree program with the Medical School.
A dual degree program offered in conjunction with the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering.
A combined degree program offered by the Frederick A. and Barbara M. Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise.
A dual degree program with the Department of Health Management and Policy within the School of Public Health.
A combined degree program offered in collaboration with the the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.
A dual degree program with the School of Social Work.
A combined degree program with the Urban and Regional Planning Program.
The program is offered at the Executive Learning and Conference Center on the Ann Arbor campus and at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza adjacent to Beverly Hills. Classes meet a month for 21 months on Friday and Saturday.
A full-time program that begins with a three-month session in Asia (one month each in South Korea, Japan and China).
A joint degree program with the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering.
A joint degree program with the Department of Civil Engineering.
A joint degree program with the Department of Health Management and Policy within the School of Public Health.