Find out which MBA in North Carolina is right for your career. Check the schools' profiles for information on MBA courses including study options, tuition, costs, duration and admission requirements. Find programs that follow the international accreditation standards of AACSB, AMBA, or EQUIS.
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A combined degree program with the Duke University School of Medicine.
A combined degree program between Fuqua and Duke's Nicholas School of the Environment.
A dual degree program between Fuqua and Duke's Nicholas School of the Environment.
A dual degree program with Duke University School of Law that allows student to earn degrees in both fields in four years.
A dual degree program offered in collaboration with the Sanford School of Public Policy.
A dual degree program launched in 2006 in collaboration with the Seoul National University. Students of Seoul National University's Global MBA and MBA programs can earn a Master of Management Studies degree at Duke University.
A cohort-based program that combines Residencies in Durham & distance learning.
Students can opt to attend the program entirely online or take some courses face to face in Raleigh or Durham. The program has one mandatory three-day weekend residency at the Raleigh campus and an optional weeklong international residency.
A dual degree program in partnership with the Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law at Campbell University.
MMB students have the option to pursue an MBA degree with a concentration in either Biosciences Management or Entrepreneurship.
The program is offered on the main campus and in the Research Triangle Park. Students can choose take some courses online.
Classes meet in the College of Management on North Carolina State University's campus near downtown Raleigh.
A dual degree program with the Department of City and Regional Planning at UNC Chapel.
A combined degree program with the School of Global Public Health.
A dual degree program with the Eshelman School of Pharmacy.
A combined degree program with the School of Information and Library Science.
A dual degree program with the School of Medecine.
A combined degree program with the School of Global Public Health.
A joint degree program with the UNC Law School.
A dual degree program offered in partnership with the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University.
Classes meets every third weekend, all day Friday with an occasional Saturday at the C's Paul J. Rizzo Conference Center. Some classes will also be delivered at the McColl Building. The program features one immersion week.
Core classes meet one evening per week, on Mondays. Elective courses typically take place on Monday or Tuesday evenings. The program features three immersion weekends.
In addition to concentrations, the program also offers focus areas in Business Analytics and Decision Making, Family Business.
Classes meet once a month on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Most classes meets at the Lansdowne Conference Center located near Washington DC. Some classes are held in Chapel Hill. A program features four global residencies in partnership with Rotterdam School of Management; Erasmus University, Tecnológico de Monterrey (EGADE), UNC Kenan-Flager, FGV-EAESP and Xiamen University.